Contribution model
Cost structure:
A non-exhaustive list of costs necessary to carry out the Harmony Divine project, in fact, most projects, includes:
Real estate investment: acquisition, renovation, maintenance...
Administrative: notary fees, insurance, etc.
Material goods: any material that is purchased and necessary for operations, such as food and transport.
Services: any service, from the mason to the farmer, including the yoga teacher, and any service provider.
Logistics management: time spent preparing and managing goods and services.
The above costs require means to cover them. The means must come from contributions from participants in the retreats, workshops, and activities that Harmony Divine organizes.
In contrast, the following resources that support personal progress are volunteer* contributions from the facilitators:
Sharing of relevant information and models.
Personal empathetic support.
Group facilitation.
(*) Volunteer contributions are subject to a reasonable time limit regarding the volunteer resources of the animators.
Contribution structure:
We are looking for a simple and reasonably fair model that estimates a reasonable range of contributions.
The proposed simple model is to estimate a value consistent with actual costs and the market. Then this value is divided into three equal parts representing very approximately:
The minimum and average logistical contribution requested from participants. This contribution is typically financial in the form of a deposit guaranteeing registration.
A voluntary and optional contribution at the discretion of the participants according to their means and notion of the value of their experience. This contribution can take any form described in the Contribution options section and can be made at any time.
The voluntary contribution of facilitators: the voluntary gift relating to personal relationships, support, and training activities.
Contribution model:
By taking into account the investment and operating costs as well as the "personal development" market prices, Harmony Divine approximately estimates that an average market value, a fair and reasonable contribution that should make it possible to pay and amortize the aforementioned costs is of the order of €150 per day/person. This estimate is very approximative because it depends on many parameters that would be tedious and therefore also expensive to model in detail, which is not an exciting perspective and congruent with the principle of simplicity and the spiritual nature of the Harmony Divine project. In addition, the team experiences a lot of joy and satisfaction from having the possibility, at its discretion, to support the efforts of people with limited material and financial resources but who are very motivated to invest in their "spiritual" evolution.
By following the contribution structure mentioned above, Harmony Divine therefore proposes the following contribution model:
Those who can afford a minimum contribution of €50/day/person ~ €600 for a 2-week retreat or workshop, contribute such an amount at registration. In the event of withdrawal, this amount may be partially or entirely refundable and reimbursed upon request following a principle of fairness negotiated between the withdrawing participant and the organizing team depending on the validity of the reason(s) and the withdrawal timing.
Those who can afford and wish to contribute more may do so at any time at their discretion, before, during, or after a workshop, according to the modalities they prefer - ref. the Contribution options section to see the different ways to contribute. Harmony Divine will not make any effort to collect contributions beyond the registration amount so that those voluntary contributions are possible, free, and joyful.
The variable costs of food, transport, and other activities are additional direct costs - that is to say without margin for the organizing team.
For those with more limited material and financial means but who are highly motivated, the Harmony Divine team authorizes itself, when its means make it possible, to take charge of their participation with an even lower financial contribution. Those who find themselves to be highly motivated but with limited financial means are invited to contact the Harmony Divine administrative team at to explain their situation and negotiate a reduced registration fee.